What are the deadlines for mailing holiday cards?
Yes, it's that ho ho ho time of year again. Procrastinators among us (ok, me!) might be wondering when is the last day they can mail their holiday cards, and still have them arrive by that magic day of 25th December.
The US Postal Office tells us we should circle Tuesday, December 15th this year as our deadline for mailing Christmas cards, and gifts. You can still squeeze out another few days for priority mail, for which the deadline is December 19th.
For your fabulous friends across the Atlantic in Europe, or just up North in Canada ... here you'll want to get over the post office by December 7th.
But here's the silver lining of this crazy year — you can be sure whenever your loved ones ultimately receive their cards, any dose of holiday cheer will be extra welcome this season!
And, stationery addicts, if you're ordering from our website, remember we include a stamp and a lovely gold seal with every purchase so you can get mailing right away (above, left).
(Need more stamps? Order stamps online from the USPS, click here. They have all sorts of wonderful limited edition stamps, too, just for the holidays!)